MTI Robert Sinko Memorial Scholarship

The MTI Robert Sinko Memorial Scholarship was created to stimulate outstanding students to pursue careers in the area of materials engineering in the process industries. AMPP will award up to one (1) scholarship, in the amount of $5,000, on behalf of Materials Technology Institute (MTI).

1. Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate science and/or engineering program at an accredited college or university in North America, Europe, or Asia.
- Applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the area of materials engineering in the process industries.
- For this purpose, Materials Engineering includes evaluation and selection of metallic, non-metallic and polymeric materials, corrosion control, optimal design, mechanical integrity, fitness-for-service, life cycle evaluation, and economic factors affecting performance of process equipment. Chemical Processing Industries broadly include chemicals manufacturing, petroleum processing, pharmaceuticals manufacturing, paper manufacturing, and other related processing industries; or, industries such as materials producers and fabricators, which support the CPI.

2. Candidate Evaluation
Candidate selection will include consideration of demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in the Process Industries through enrollment in relevant programs (Materials Engineering, Materials Science, Corrosion Engineering, etc), academic achievement, work experience, personal and professional activities, letters of recommendation and relevant coursework (completed or scheduled). Selection Committee will consist of up to five (5) Materials Engineering professionals representing MTI member companies.

The following information should be included for review by the Selection Committee:

- Completed Application
- Academic transcript
- Three (3) Recommendation Forms from educators or employers familiar with applicants background
- Résumé/CV
- Supplemental Essay Question(s)

3. Application Guidelines
In addition to the information above, please be sure to review the General Scholarship Guidelines. In order to be considered, applicants must meet all Scholarship Eligibility Requirements, successfully submit all required documentation (including recommendations), and answer all required essay questions.

Materials Technology Institute
Supplemental Questions
  1. The Materials Technology Institute is a professional organization of materials (and related) engineers from member companies in the chemical process industry. Please explain your interest in entering this industry, including any relevant work/co-op/internship experience. Are there specific material systems and/or degradation mechanisms that interest you?
  2. I agree to allow MTI to post my resume on a job board for internship opportunities.
  3. I confirm that I am pursuing course of study in Materials Science & Engineering.